Life changes on the Makeshift Homestead
The change in seasons always seems to go hand in hand with a change in life around here.
I’m not sure if it is the season turnover that inspires me to madly clean, tidy, and redecorates, or something else. It might also be a natural inclination in which the season change gives me permission to indulge. Things that usually are swept under the proverbial rug come to light. I notice the layer of filth covering the white wall next to the dog bed. The crusted food in the rungs of the high chair seems to be missed every time in the rush of cleaning up a tired baby. Even the shoe cabinet, piled with shoes that haven’t been worn in a year or more calls for my attention. The thing is, there never seems to be enough time.
I have such an urge to deeply clean the kitchen, but when am I going to get the time to pull everything out? If you’re a mama with littles, I know you know what I’m talking about! Keeping on top of daily tasks can be a gamble. But, keep hope! Every day I try to pick one larger task to focus on. I don’t always get everything done that I’m hoping to, but at the end of the week, I always feel better about how the house looks. Little things like cleaning the fly poop off of the blinds after fruit fly season can make our homes feel so much cleaner.

Anyways, despite my best ambitions to deep clean, I have not succeeded so far. Not a surprise with a baby and a German Shepherd. The baby caught a cold from some toddlers at church, unfortunately. It has been snuggle boot camp around here, and now mama is coming down with the same bug. Even with my hopes for a hair-free home dashed, I am excited to change some things around here!
A few new life happenings…
The rain is beginning again. Once the ground has softened a bit, My husband is going to help me relocate the garden bed in our small backyard to allow for more access this coming growing season. Sunlight should also be better with the new placement and I can’t wait to start planning this next year’s garden!

My baby is nearly one year old! We are working on deciding if we will have a birthday party (nothing crazy). Plus, how to plan it if we will. Right now all I can think of is how quickly life is passing by. I am thinking of a small gathering of a few friends and a couple of low-key handmade decorations. No worries, I will share tutorials for all of these things here too.
The last thing going on around the homestead is a “home improvement” project. I am sewing curtains for our kitchen/dining room. It is really one room, and the windows are connected. The setup is tricky. A cabinet that partially divides them. It has turned out a bit more complicated than I anticipated, but it has been so fun figuring it out! I can’t wait to update y’all with a tutorial hopefully in a week or so. Maybe it will help out someone else who is trying to make rented housing a bit homier!

Well, that’s about all that’s going on at our makeshift homestead. As the weather continues to cool I can’t wait to share more cozy recipes! Sewing always seems to become more prolific as life slows down in the cooler months as well. Not to mention all of the holiday decorating and DIY inspiration! I am so excited that we will get to work on a bunch of projects together. Stay tuned and I hope y’all are having a wonderful day. Let me know in the comments below what you have going on this season of life; or what you’re looking forward to in the coming months!